Valmistajan koodi
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Valmistajan koodi
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Introducing the TSun TSOL-MT-F Female AC Connector, a robust and reliable solution for your photovoltaic system connections. This high-performance connector is designed to meet the demanding requirements of modern solar energy installations, ensuring safe and efficient power transmission.

  • Exceptional IP67 protection rating, safeguarding against dust and water ingress
  • Constructed from durable silicone rubber with UL94-V0 flame retardant rating
  • Impressive operating temperature range of -40°C to +85°C
  • ROHS compliant and environmentally friendly
  • 2P+PE electrode configuration for optimal electrical connectivity
  • Nominal voltage of 250V AC and current rating of 25A (4mm²)
  • Copper alloy pins with silver plating for superior conductivity
  • Low contact resistance of ≤ 1mΩ for minimal power loss
  • Screw-type wiring connection for secure and reliable installation
  • High insulation resistance of > 100MΩ for enhanced safety
  • Rated impulse withstand voltage of 4000V AC
  • Compatible with wire gauges of 2.5/4.0 mm² and outer cable diameters of 10-13mm
  • Meets stringent industry standards including UL6703A, EN 61535, and PPP 59015A:2013

The TSun TSOL-MT-F Female AC Connector is the ideal choice for professionals seeking a top-tier connection solution for their solar energy systems. Its exceptional build quality, comprehensive safety features, and compliance with international standards make it a reliable component for any photovoltaic installation. Elevate your solar project's performance and longevity with this premium AC connector.

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