SUNGROW kolmivaiheinen verkkoinvertteri SG50CX-V112 (50kW)

SUNGROW kolmivaiheinen verkkoinvertteri SG50CX-V112 (50kW)

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Invertor trifazat on-grid SUNGROW SG50CX-V112 (50kW) Putere AC: 50kVA Curent maxim AC: 83.6A Tensiune lucru MPPT: 200-1000Vdc Tensiune pornire: 200Vdc Tip invertor: on-grid Multi-MPPT String Inverter for 1000 Vdc System Smart meter compatibil: DTSD1352-C Dongle logger comunicatie compatibil: EyeM4 COM100E Difference to the SG50CX: Arc detection Overvoltage protection type I and II on the DC side HIGH YIELD 3 MPPTs with max. efficiency 98.6% Compatible with bifacial module Built-in PID recovery function optional LOW COST Compatible with Al and Cu AC cables DC 2 in 1 connection enabled Cable free communication with optional Wi-Fi SMART OM Touch free commissioning and remote firmware upgrade Online IV curve scan and diagnosis (only compatible with Sungrow logger, EyeM4 and iSolarCloud) Fuse free design with smart string current monitoring PROVEN SAFETY IP66 and C5 protection Type II SPD for both DC and AC Compliant with global safety and grid code

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