SMA Sunny Boy 1.5 1 kW 1-fazowy

Valmistajan koodi
Sunny Boy 1.5
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Teho [kW]
Paino (kg)
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Valmistajan koodi
Sunny Boy 1.5
Dostępne sztuk
Teho [kW]
Paino (kg)
vaiheiden lukumäärä
MPPT:iden määrä

The SMA Sunny Boy 1.5 represents a perfect fusion of compact design and high performance in the world of solar inverters. This single-phase inverter, delivering 1 kW of reliable power, stands out as an ideal solution for small residential solar installations where efficiency and dependability are paramount.

  • Outstanding 97.2% Euro efficiency ensures maximum energy conversion from your solar panels
  • Robust IP65 protection rating guarantees reliable operation in challenging weather conditions
  • Versatile input voltage range of 160V to 500V with a maximum input voltage of 600V
  • Integrated SMA Smart Connected technology for advanced monitoring and diagnostics
  • Lightweight design at just 9.2 kg makes installation straightforward and cost-effective
  • Comprehensive temperature tolerance from -40°C to +60°C for operation in various climates
  • Natural convection cooling system eliminates the need for maintenance-prone fans
  • Advanced communication capabilities via Modbus, WLAN, and Ethernet protocols
  • Built-in universal switch disconnector for enhanced safety
  • Proactive fault notification system ensures minimal downtime
  • Compatible with SMA Energy Meter for optimized energy management
  • Quick replacement service within 1-3 days if issues arise

The SMA Sunny Boy 1.5 emerges as a reliable cornerstone for small-scale solar installations, combining German engineering excellence with user-friendly features. Its comprehensive protection features, smart monitoring capabilities, and impressive efficiency make it an outstanding choice for homeowners looking to embrace solar energy. Whether you're starting your solar journey or upgrading existing systems, this inverter delivers consistent performance while offering peace of mind through its advanced monitoring and service features.

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