LAN-liitäntä GROWATT Shine LAN-X

LAN-liitäntä GROWATT Shine LAN-X

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LAN Interface Growatt Shine LAN-X
Features:The interface is designed to link the Growatt inverter parameters to the Cloud server via LAN and monitor the operation and energy output of the solar plant.The device connects to the solar inverter to remotely detect and potentially troubleshoot PV system failures.A LAN connection is recommended for cabling in a suitable environment. A USB dongle shall be connected to the solar inverter and a network cable shall be connected to the router, then the connection between the inverter and the server will be established automatically.The device has built-in memory, so that the data of the connected inverter is stored for 30-40 days, even if the internet connection is interrupted.Suitable for all Growatt X-series inverters (On grid - with external power supply).
Technical specifications:Support network: LAN.Ethernet data rate: 10Mbps.Voltage: 5V.Max. power consumption: 3W.Interface: USB Type-A.Supported server: ShineServer ( transmission interval: 5 min.Operating temperature: -30°C ~ +60°C.Safety class: IP65.Dimensions: 152x47x28 mm.Weight: 84g.Certifications:CE, RoHS.
Warranty: 12 months.

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