Huawei Invertteri SUN2000 5KTL-1

Huawei Invertteri SUN2000 5KTL-1

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SUN2000-5KTL-L1 is a single-phase hybrid inverter from Huawei.It is part of a range of single-phase On-Grid residential inverters with some of the best features.It is a smart inverter with active protection against current arcs and has an efficiency of up to 30 % higher due to optimizers SUN2000-450W-P with which it is provided.It also benefits from included WLAN connection, being equipped with artificial intelligence, and its power is of 5000 W, having a maximum efficiency of 98.4 %.This inverter enables quick start-up thanks to the Huawei Solar app and can be configured with one click, making it extremely easy to install.In addition to all this, the inverter can combine the energy generated by the photovoltaic field together with the stored energy to provide all the energy a home needs.The rating in terms of loneliness is IP65, which makes it have increased protection against adverse conditions.The optimum operating temperature is within the range -25°C and +60°C.

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