Hoymiles Microinverter HM 1200, nimellisteho 1200W

Hoymiles Microinverter HM 1200, nimellisteho 1200W

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We have all the necessary certificates and declarations needed to submit a photovoltaic micro-installation to the energy company

Watch the video "Hoymiles MI-600/700 & amp; MI-1200/1500 Installation Video (English) "on YouTube


" The world's first single phase microinverter "designed for 4 solar panels with double MPPT, with a wide range of DC input voltage (16-60V) and low inrush voltage (only 22V).

The Hoymiles 4-in-1 Microinverter HM-1000 / HM-1200 / HM-1500 is "the best power density microinverter" in the history of the solar industry with an extremely light weight - only 3.75 kg including integrated DC cables and alternating.

Three-phase cabling makes it easy to set up a Hoymiles 4-in-1 micro inverter for MW-sized industrial / commercial PV power plants (one of the world's largest micro-inverter projects configured with a Hoymiles microinverter is 3.6 MW).

Safer input voltage up to 60Vdc (natural quick shutdown) to guarantee no electric shock and no risk of fire on the roof.

  • Stronger MPPT at module level to provide 10-30% more energy harvest compared to string inverter.
  • Smarter monitoring with modular leverage for remote troubleshooting and maintenance management.
  • Smaller, lighter and easier: Smaller than A4 paper size, 1.98 kg only with integrated AC cable (1 m), easy installation by one person.
  • More stable and reliable 6000V surge protection, MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure) & gt; 550 years, annual failure rate <0.18%
  • Better return on investment.
  • Module-level solution, extremely low failure, longer generation (only 22V inrush voltage), low LCOE (electricity cost level) over a long period (over 20 years) of investment
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