Tere tulemast merXu tugikeskkonda
Siit leiate kogu teabe ostu ja müügi kohta üleeuroopalisel kauplemisplatvormil merXu



Remember that the description of the offer added using the merXu file can be created using the html code. Description prepared without the use of html will appear in the offer as a plain text.

Acceptable html tags in the description:

<br> new line of text

for example:

First line of text<br>second line of text<br>third line of text

First line of text
second line of text
third line of text

<p>...</p> paragraph

for example:

<p>First paragraph</p>
<p>Second paragraph</p>

First paragraph

Second paragraph

<ul> bullet list

for example:

    <li>first bullet</li>
    <li>second bullet</li>
    <li>third bullet</li>
  • first bullet
  • second bullet
  • third bullet
  • .....

<ol> number list

for example:

    <li>first point</li>
    <li>second point</li>
    <li>third point</li>
  1. first point
  2. second point
  3. third point
  4. .....

<b> ... </b> bold print

for example:

This is plain text, <b>this one will be bold</b>

This is plain text, this one will be bold

<u> ... </u> underline print

for example:

This is plain text, <u>it will be underlined</u>

This is plain text, it will be underlined

<i> ... </i> italics print

for example:

this is plain text, <i>this one will be italic</i>

this is plain text, this one will be italic