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SolaX X3-PRO-8.0 kW G2, Comprar inversor en Europa

Solax Power
8 kW
Tres fases
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Solax Power
8 kW
Tres fases

The Solax Power X3-PRO three-phase inverter is the perfect choice for those looking for a high-efficiency unit for their home or small commercial installation. With a maximum efficiency of 98.5%, this inverter guarantees optimal energy production.

In addition, its IP66 protection makes it suitable for installation both indoors and outdoors. This inverter allows up to 5 devices to be connected as master/slave. In addition, with the monitoring system through Solax Cloud, you can track the performance of the system.

  • 2 MPPts (2 strings per MPPT)

  • Start-up voltage: 200V

  • Max. shot circuit current: 40V

  • IP66

We are a wholesale distribution company for solar photovoltaic material. With extensive experience in the sector, we are specialized in the sale of solar panels, inverters, batteries and structures from the best brands. In addition, we have a specialized technical team available to answer any questions about your installation or the equipment, without any additional costs. We support our clients throughout the entire process, from purchase to project implementation.

Contact us for more information.

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