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546,63 € +IVA
2340,14 PLN
1 pc.
546,63 € +IVA
2340,14 PLN
1 ×
2340,14 PLN +IVA
(1 pc.)
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
Asegure su pago hasta la entrega. Gratuito.
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It is estimated that 75% of photovoltaic installations is immediately, or within a year from the start of operation, equipped with a monitoring system to increase control over operating parameters.The advantages of regular monitoring include:

  • maintaining optimal efficiency,
  • long life of the PV installation,
  • increasing the comfort of using the entire system,
  • controlling the operation of the photovoltaic installation.

Thanks to the use of monitoring devices, it is possible to carry out various types of analyzes: daily, monthly, annual, as well as generate reports and charts.

Application Huawei Smart Logger

Smart Logger Huawei manages PV installations and monitors them on an ongoing basis.The device connects all ports, converts protocols, collects data and then stores it, and centrally monitors and maintains devices in photovoltaic installations.Smart Logger can be networked via optical fiber even at a distance of 12km with other PV systems.Local operations are performed on the Smart Logger using an application for a mobile phone, via the built-in WLAN.The logger collects and stores data, connects to the Internet via a WiFi module in order to send the collected information to the network and further to the end user via an application for mobile devices.

Huawei Smart Logger is compatible with Huawei devices and inverters from other manufacturers.

Smart Logger from Huawei - technical parameters

Number of devices with which współpracuje:80Obsługa:Wbudowany server WWW Ports:

10/100/1000Mb/s, Modbus - TCP

3 x Modbus - RTU




3 Digital inputs -

4 pcs.

Digital outputs - 2 pcs.

Analog inputs - 2 pcs.

Power supply: AC - 100-240Vac, 50Hz / DC - 12V / 24V00-240Vac, 50HzPobór power Typically 8W, max. 15WJęzyki communication: English, Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, francuskiWymiary:225 x 160 x 100-240Vac,0 mm Working in 100-240Vac,1 - 100-240Vac,2 100-240Vac,3 - 100-240Vac,4 non-condensing Protection class 100-240Vac,5 installation: Wall, rail Additional information: Built-in 100-240Vac,6 LEDs 100-240Vac,7 100-240Vac,8

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