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Proyectores LED - Serie Slimline E - IP65 - Cuerpo negro - 50 Vatios - 4000 Lúmenes - RGB+Blanco - 2 Años

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merXu Protected Payments
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Create your desired mood with captivating LED Floodlights for your outdoor space. These floodlights offer a versatile and energy-efficient lighting solution beyond expectation.

With their slimline design and colourful display of brilliant brightness, captivating your eyes like magic with their RGB+ white colour-changing capabilities, these floodlights create a dynamic and customizable atmosphere in any outdoor space.

The durable aluminium construction ensures long-lasting performance, while the IP65 rating makes them suitable for even the harshest weather conditions. Continuously enjoy the nights with instant-on and get mesmerized by the vibrant colours featuring all these with just a click of the remote control.

Enjoy convenient lighting with one click and easy adjustments from a distance. Explore more customizable lighting. Learn more about this product by exploring LEDXpress.

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