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TW Solar is a modern company with many years of experience, engaged in research and development of technologies for obtaining solar energy.It specializes in the production of technologically advanced silicon cells, the quality of which is closely monitored.These cells are used to build photovoltaic panels sold around the world.

The TW Solar 555 W module is designed with Multi-busbar technology, which allows for output power higher than 5 W.Thanks to Half-cut technology, power losses have been reduced, which gives an additional output gain from 5 to 10 W.The use of High-Density Encapsulation technology increases the module efficiency, providing an additional gain of 0,15%.Compared to typical PV modules of the same class, TW Solar stands out from the competition.

TW Solar 555 W module consists of 144 monocrystalline PERC photovoltaic cells housed in an anodized, lightweight, corrosion-resistant aluminum alloy frame.The cells are covered with glass with a thickness of 3,2 mm, characterized by high light transmittance.This glass is anti-reflective (AR) coated and thermally strengthened.

Cables of length 400 mm (+) and 200 mm (-), led out of junction box IP68, are terminated with connector MC4.The module has the following certificates: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001.

Distinguishing features of the product:

  • Application of Multi-busbar technology
  • High and stable efficiency up to 21,5% thanks to modern technology
  • Positive power tolerance up to +5 W
  • Excellent efficiency even at low solar radiation intensity
  • Half-cut technology for increased output power
  • Resistance to high mechanical loads
  • Low susceptibility to PID
  • Unique cell design for lower PV module temperature and higher efficiency
  • Snow load resistance up to 5400 Pa and wind load resistance up to 2400 Pa
  • Lossless laser cutting eliminates mechanical damage during cell production

Module type Monocrystalline

Module technology 144 Half-Cut cells

Power [W] 555

Module efficiency [%] 21.5

Color Silver Frame

Maximum voltage [V] 1500

Vmpp [V] 41.45

Voc [V] 50.11

Short circuit current [A] 13.96

Rated current [A] 13.39

Maximum reverse current protection [A] 25

Voltage temperature coefficient [%/°C] -0.27

Weight [kg] 27.8

Dimensions [mm] 1134 x 2278 x 35

Thickness of module frame [mm] 35

Number of modules on a pallet 31

Glass Single

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