Panel fotovoltaico monocristalino Sharp 455W

Panel fotovoltaico monocristalino Sharp 455W

Código fabricante
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Código fabricante

144 half-cell solar panel designed for large free-field and commercial rooftop photovoltaic systems, optimized for long-term reliability and performance.

Key features

  • The project solution (1,500 V)

  • High module efficiency (20.1%)

  • 144 Half-cells, M6 wafer (panel size: 2,108 x 1,048 x 35 mm)

  • 9 busbar technology + temperature coefficient of -0.347%/°C increasing the power gain

  • Robust product design (tests passed: PID resistance Salt mist IEC61701, Ammonia IEC62716, Sand and Dust IEC60068)

  • Proven quality (VDE IEC/EN 61215 + IEC/EN61730, Safety Class II, CE, Fire Rating Class C)

  • Reliable Guarantee: 25 years linear power output guarantee and 15 years product guarantee (Applicable for modules installed within the EU and additional listed countries. Please check the guarantee conditions for your area before purchasing.)

  • Guaranteed positive power tolerance (at least the specified value and up to 5 % more is achieved)

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