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Kit inversor hibrido 20 kW Sofar Solar con almacenamiento de energía 10 kWh BTS
Kit inversor hibrido 20 kW Sofar Solar con almacenamiento de energía 10 kWh BTS
Kit inversor hibrido 20 kW Sofar Solar con almacenamiento de energía 10 kWh BTS
Kit inversor hibrido 20 kW Sofar Solar con almacenamiento de energía 10 kWh BTS
Kit inversor hibrido 20 kW Sofar Solar con almacenamiento de energía 10 kWh BTS
Kit inversor hibrido 20 kW Sofar Solar con almacenamiento de energía 10 kWh BTS

Kit inversor hibrido 20 kW Sofar Solar con almacenamiento de energía 10 kWh BTS

Sofar Solar
Código fabricante
HYD 20KTL GTX3000-H 10K
Potencia [W]
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Métodos de pago alternativos:
Sofar Solar
Código fabricante
HYD 20KTL GTX3000-H 10K
Potencia [W]

Hybrid inverter kit 20 kW Sofar Solar with energy storage 10 kWh BTS

SofarSolar HYD energy storage kit with power 20 kW with a set of batteries with a capacity 10 kWh BTS is a solution that will help maximize self-consumption in a hybrid installation or enable island operation of the facility.

The set is an ideal solution for people who:

  • People planning to install a photovoltaic installation in a hybrid or off-grid system

  • Have an electric or hybrid car

  • They seek energy independence

  • An energy storage system that is easy to install and use

  • Wanting to increase self-consumption

  • Having a problem with frequent power outages

Kit capabilities:

  • Power Safety- in the event of a power outage, the inverter will switch to island operation in less than 20ms.

  • Saving- the ability to adjust the operation of the set to the needs of users, and thus benefit from low electricity prices and maximize self-consumption.

  • Expandable- the warehouse can be expanded to capacity 20 kWh.

Inverter operating mode options:

Selectable operating mode:

  • Self-use - automatic mode - In automatic mode, the inverter automatically charges and discharges the battery depending on the amount of energy generated in relation to its consumption.

  • Time-of-use Mode – allows you to set the mode of use within four rules (rule 0/1/2/3), which allows you to adjust the operation of the device to current energy rates and save money

  • timing mode – allows you to manually set the charging time, power and discharge time as well as the battery power.

  • Passive mode – after connecting the inverter to the grid, you can remotely control the inverter functions using commands.

Kit composition and warranties:

  • 2x BTS battery: 10 years

  • Sofar Solar Inverter: 5 years

  • Control unit: 10 years

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