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Inversor Huawei SUN 2000 -8KTL - M1

Inversor Huawei SUN 2000 -8KTL - M1

SUN2000-3/4/5/6/8/10KTL-M1 (High Current Version)
  • Fabricante: Huawei
  • Potencia nominal de CA: 8000 W
  • Número de fases: Tres
  • Número de MPPT: 2
  • Series: SUN2000-3/4/5/6/8/10KTL-M1 (High Current Version)
Comparar 56 ofertas
A partir de
980,00 €
1622,16 € +IVA
8060,00 RON
1 pc.
1622,16 € +IVA
8060,00 RON
1 ×
8060,00 RON +IVA
(1 pc.)
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SUN2000-8KTL-M1 is a three-phase On Grid inverter, from Huawei .
It is suitable for residential constructions and comes equipped with a special security system that prevents spring failure in case of system damage.It also features an integrated battery interface and is equipped with two MPPT trackers.
The inverter has power of 8 kW and an efficiency of 98.6 %.These aspects help to connect directly, without the need to purchase separate equipment or make adjustments.The WLAN connection is possible by using a Huawei Smart Dongle Wlan .It is also compatible with a connection 4G by means of a Huawei Dongle 4G .The degree of protection is guaranteed by the standard IP65, the inverter being resistant to water and dust.
The optimal operating temperature is included in the range -25°C and +60°C.

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