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Inversor híbrido Deye SUN-15K-SG05LP3-EU-SM2 3F

  • Fabricante: Deye
  • Corriente de carga máxima: 280 A
  • Potencia nominal de CA: 15000 W
  • Número de fases: Tres
  • Series: SUN-14/15/16/18/20K-SG05LP3-EU-SM2
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The Deye SUN-15K-SG05LP3-EU-SM2 hybrid inverter is a 15 kW three-phase device designed for the management and optimization of energy in photovoltaic systems.Thanks to its hybrid function, it enables the building to be powered, the batteries to be charged and excess energy to be fed back to the grid at the same time.Advanced technology ensures high efficiency and reliability, as well as flexibility in energy management in your home or business.Deye SUN-15K is the perfect solution for those looking for effective integration of renewable energy sources with a traditional power system.Key Features:   • 2 MPP trackers   • 100% unbalanced power, each phase; max. output power up to 50% rated power   • low voltage battery 48V   • Protection class IP65

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