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Focos solares negros - 50W - IP65 - 4200 Lúmenes - 4000K

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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Do you want bright and eco-friendly lights outside your house? You should check out our LED solar floodlight! It's a light powered by the sun, which is good for the environment. It comes with a powerful light bulb that shines bright white.
The floodlight has a solar panel that charges up during the day to stay on at night. It also has a remote control that you can use to change the settings. The light is made of solid metal and can handle any weather. It also has a timer function, so you can set it to turn on and off at specific times.

Using this solar floodlight is a great way to save energy, and it can make your outdoor space look really nice. So, if you want cost-effective and eco-friendly illumination in your backyard or garden, get our solar floodlight now!

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