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Descargador de sobretensiones SPD Ex9UEP, tipo II, 1000 V CC, 3 módulos serie

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Oferta del proveedor:
Noark 110177 is a specialized surge arrester designed to provide solid protection for photovoltaic systems.Designed in accordance with the stringent requirements of the EN 50539-22, standard, this device belongs to the PV T2, class ensuring compliance with the necessary standards for solar energy applications.The Ex9UEP 1000 V DC surge arrester SPD has a type II classification and takes up a small space of only three modules.

A key feature of this surge arrester is the optical status indicator, which offers a clear visual indication of the condition and level of wear of the varistor insert.This allows for timely maintenance and provides continuous protection against electrical surges.Additionally, the device is equipped with a built-in auxiliary contact that facilitates electrical signaling, providing real-time monitoring of the insert status.

Maintenance and safety are further enhanced by a design that allows the varistor insert to be safely replaced without having to disconnect the device, minimising downtime and ensuring smooth operation.The product barcode, 8592765101778, uniquely identifies this particular surge arrester model.

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