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Bomba de calor Haier AU162FYCRA(HW) monobloque - 16kW

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MONOBLOCK HEAT PUMP HAIER SUPER AQUA 16 KW     The Haier Super Aqua 16kW heat pump is an effective and ecological solution for heating buildings and preparing domestic hot water.Air source heat pumps, regardless of the season, draw solar energy collected in atmospheric air, which is free and available in unlimited quantities.The SUPER AQUA Monoblock heat pump allows configuration with various heat receivers.It works very well with underfloor heating, which guarantees high efficiency and lower bills.Heat pumps can provide heat through traditional radiators, which is very important when replacing heating in an existing building where a receiver is already used.Another possible heat sink is fan coil units, ideal for heating and cooling a building.The heat pump system allows a wide range of domestic hot water temperatures and a selection or combination of heat consumers.Key features: HEAT PUMP ENERGY CLASS A++DLA W35 REFRIGERANT R32 HEAT PUMP COOLING POSSIBILITY 5 YEARS OF PRODUCT WARRANTY

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