TM3AI2HG Schneider Electric - New Factory Sealed

TM3AI2HG Schneider Electric - New Factory Sealed

Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric
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Schneider Electric
Manufacturer Code
Schneider Electric part number TM3AI2HG. This product is part of the Modicon TM3 range, an offer of expansion I/O modules for Modicon M221, M241, M251 and M262. The analogue input module provides 2 inputs with 15bit + sign and 16bit resolution. It is an input module with a rated supply voltage of 24V DC and a current consumption of 30mA at 5V DC via bus connector no load, 40mA at 5V DC via bus connector full load, 25mA at 24V DC via external supply. This product is capable of controlling variable speed drives or any device equipped with a current or voltage input. There is an insulation between input and supply at 1500V AC, input and internal logic at 500V AC. It is furnished with removable spring terminal for electrical connection with 5.08mm pitch adjustment for inputs and supply. It is an IP20 rated product. Its dimensions are 23.6mm (Width) x 70mm (Depth) x 90mm (Height). It weighs 0.1kg. This product is certified by CE. It meets EN/IEC 61131-2 and EN/IEC 61010-2-201 standards. This module is compatible with Modicon M241, Modicon M251 and Modicon M221 logic controller. It supports top hat type TH35-15, top hat type TH35-7.5 rail conforming to IEC 60715 and plate or panel with fixing kit mount. Modicon TM3 expansion modules have been designed with a simple interlocking assembly mechanism. A bus expansion connector is used to distribute data and the power supply when assembling the Modicon TM3 modules with logic controllers. Boost the performance of your controller with the Modicon TM3 I/O system specially designed for the Modicon M221, M241 and M251 logic controllers.

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