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RESEALED - IP surveillance camera 8MP Dual Light IR 30m WL 30m Hikvision PoE microphone - DS-2CD1183G2-LIUF-2.8mm

RESEALED - IP surveillance camera 8MP Dual Light IR 30m WL 30m Hikvision PoE microphone - DS-2CD1183G2-LIUF-2.8mm

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Camera tip Dome de la Hikvision, avand principalele avantaje:
  • Imagini de calitate datorita rezolutiei 8MP (3840 x 2160)
  • Posibilitate de instalare a unui card Micro SD (neinclus) de pana la 512 GB
  • Calitate a imaginii in conditii de iluminare scazuta datorita IR si WL
  • Microfon incorporat
  • Detectia miscarii si reducerea alarmelor false prin identificarea separata om/vehicul
  • Posibilitate alimentare PoE
Model / producator: HIKVISIONSenzor: 1/2.7' Progressive Scan CMOSRezolutie: 4K (3840 x 2160) @15fps 4MP/1080P/720P@15fpsLentila: 2.8 mm unghi vizualizare 113ÂIluminare minima: 0.01 Lux (F2.0 AGC ON) B/W: 0 Lux cu IR pornitDistanta IR: pana la 30 metriAlimentare: 12 VDC±25% sau PoE (802.3af) consum max. 7.5WIndicativ protectie: IP67Dimensiuni: Ã˜121.5 × 97.6 mmGreutate: 550 gr.Temperatura de operare: -30ÂC ~ +60ÂCAnaliza video (VCA): Detectia miscarii Reducerea alarmelor false prin clasificarea tintei om/vehicul etc.; Audio: Microfon integratDistanta lumina alba: pana la 30 metriMaterial carcasa: Metal si plasticCompresie: H.265+/H.265/H.264+/H.264/MJPEGStocare: Micro SD/SDHC/SDXC pana la 512 GB

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