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Plug RJ-45 UTP Cat.6, 50u (100 pcs) RJ45-CAT6-50U-JAR

Plug RJ-45 UTP Cat.6, 50u (100 pcs) RJ45-CAT6-50U-JAR

ASYTECH Accessories
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ASYTECH Accessories
Conector RJ45 cat. 6 neecranat.8 pini din cupru, nichelati si auriti 50 microni, pentru o protectie si viteza de transmisie exceptionala.Unitate de ambalare: borcan 100 bucati.Specificatii:Producator : ASYTECH NetworkingMaterial: Polycarbonate 94V-2Material pin: cupru nichelat si aurit 50µRezistenta de izolatie: > 500 MOhmRezistenta de contact: max. 20 mOhmDurabilitate: min. 1500 conectariAmbalare: borcan 100 buc.Diametru conductor: 1.05 mm

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