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LG Energy Solution Enblock FLEX BPU ( Battery Protection Unit)

LG Energy Solution Enblock FLEX BPU ( Battery Protection Unit)

€980.00 +VAT
1 pc.
€980.00 +VAT
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€980.00 +VAT
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Introducing the LG Energy Solution Enblock FLEX BPU ( Battery Protection Unit), a cutting-edge modular home energy storage solution designed for both 3-phase and 1-phase hybrid inverters. This advanced LG storage system comprises two main components: the control unit (BPU) and the Battery Module Assembly (BMA). Each BMA provides 4.3 kWh of capacity, expandable from 2 to 4 modules to achieve a usable storage capacity of up to 17.2 kWh. For larger energy needs, two RESU FLEX systems can be connected in series, managed by a master-slave configuration, to reach a maximum capacity of 34.4 kWh.Key features of the RESU FLEX include:Versatile Compatibility: Compatible with leading hybrid inverters from manufacturers such as Kostal, Fronius, SMA, and GoodWe.Scalable Capacity: Available in storage capacities of 8.6 kWh, 12.9 kWh, and 17.2 kWh, with easy expansion options.High Voltage Range: Operates with a voltage range of 384 – 531.2 V when fully expanded.Flexible Installation: Designed for both floor and wall mounting to adapt to various installation spaces.Future-Proof: System expansion is feasible within the first three years, accommodating evolving energy needs.Extensive laboratory tests confirm compatibility with inverters such as the Kostal Plenticore plus, Fronius Symo GEN24, GoodWe ET plus, and soon, the SMA Sunny Tripower Smart Energy. Additionally, it supports 1-phase high-voltage hybrid inverters like the Primo GEN24 plus and the SMA Sunny Boy Storage 3.7-6.0.The RESU FLEX Battery Protection Unit represents a versatile and scalable solution for modern home energy storage, ensuring efficient energy management and adaptability for future energy requirements.

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