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GoodWe GW5K-ET Hybrid Grid Inverter

GoodWe GW5K-ET Hybrid Grid Inverter

ET PLUS+ Series
  • Manufacturer: Goodwe
  • Nominal AC Power: 5000 W
  • Number of MPPTs: 2
  • Maximum DC Current: 12.5 A
  • Series: ET PLUS+ Series
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€1,432.95 +VAT
PLN 6,124.59
1 pc.
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PLN 6,124.59
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GoodWe GW5K-ET grid inverter Hybrid GoodWe hybrid inverters allow for effective operation in three modes: general - first, it supplies household loads; Second, it charges the battery; Third, it exports excess energy to the grid, Backup - the battery is only used as a backup power source in the event of a grid failure, and as long as the grid is operational, the batteries will not be used to power the loads.The battery will be charged with energy generated by the PV system or from the grid, economical - the customer can set the battery charging and discharging time according to the peak and off-peak tariffs of the grid and the energy consumption habits of the household.

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