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Canadian Solar CS7N 655W Bifacial

Canadian Solar CS7N 655W Bifacial

Canadian Solar
Canadian Solar
Manufacturer Code
BiHiku7 CS7N-655MB-AG
Maximum Power (Pmax)
655 W
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Canadian Solar
Manufacturer Code
BiHiku7 CS7N-655MB-AG
Maximum Power (Pmax)
655 W
Frame colour

The BiHiku7 CS7N-MB-AG, monocrystalline bifacial PERC module in size M12 (210mm), is the perfect solution for generating solar power with maximum efficiency. With a power degradation rate of less than 2% in the first year and a minimum subsequent annual degradation of less than 0.45%, the modules have a long lifetime. The efficiency of the panels can reach up to 21.6%, which means higher energy production compared to traditional solar modules. Perfect for large installations, this model offers maximum efficiency and excellent value for money.

LM8 Solar is a global wholesale distribution company for solar photovoltaic material. With extensive experience in the sector, we are specialized in the sale of solar panels, inverters, batteries and structures from the best brands. In addition, we have a specialized technical team available to answer any questions about your installation or the equipment. We support our clients throughout the entire process, from purchase to project implementation.

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