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Wandklimagerät Midea, Blanc R32 Wi-Fi, 5.2 / 5.6

Wandklimagerät Midea, Blanc R32 Wi-Fi, 5.2 / 5.6

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& lt; div class = "desc_block photo_right" & gt; & lt; div class = "container-fluid" & gt; & lt; p style = "text-align: justify;" & gt; & amp; bull; Eye-catching, compact & sleek indoor unit design reminiscent of a clean and regular ocean wave, with an & amp; scaron; ingeniously hidden LED display and air & amp; scaron; air vents.& amp; bull; The hidden LED screen i & amp; scaron; images add elegance.& amp; bull; Perfectly concealed air & amp; scaron; air vents.& amp; bull; Strong and fast cooling.You can turn on the Midea Blanc air conditioner's super cooling function at the touch of a button.The high-speed fan blows a strong air flow and the room temperature quickly drops to 17 & amp; deg; C.& amp; bull; 3D air & scaron; blowing function for balanced room cooling.& amp; bull; The Midea Blanc inverter type air conditioner uses high-frequency compressor start-up technology, which creates a cool air flow for your convenience.& amp; bull; Do not disturb the function, which when the air conditioner switches to mute mode with & amp; scaron; on the LED screen & amp; scaron; and low air speed, which creates a quiet environment.& amp; bull; & amp; bdquo; Follow Me & amp; rdquo; mode for sensitive ambient cooling & amp; bdquo; Follow Me & amp; ldquo; function allows you to feel comfortable at all times, the air conditioner automatically & amp; scaron; when responding to changing ambient temperature.& amp; bull; & amp; bdquo; Restful Sleep & amp; rdquo; mode, pleasant cooling for a good night's sleep & amp; bdquo; Restful sleep & amp; ldquo; the function guarantees good sleep by setting the air conditioner to body temperature.& amp; bull; DOUBLE AIR PURIFICATION SYSTEM & amp; bull; First level of protection & amp; ndash; dust filter i & amp; scaron; ambient air filters out dust and other larger harmful particles.Second level of protection & amp; ndash; & Scaron; The cold catalyst filter absorbs harmful particles such as formaldehyde and ammonia.& amp; bull; Automatic self-cleaning & amp; scaron; cleaning & amp; bull; The surface of the & scaron heat exchanger is automatically cleaned and dried to allow you to breathe fresh air at all times and extend the life of the air conditioner.& amp; bull; Diamond-shaped outdoor block.& lt; / p & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; p & gt; & amp; nbsp; & lt; / p & gt;

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