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wallbox oplader 11kW PCE EV11 med en ledning 5 målere, stik TYPE 2

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Wallbox charger 11kW PCE EV11 with cable 5 meters, plug TYPE 2Ładowarka Wallbox 11kW PCE EV11 with cable 5 meters and plug TYPE 2 to a perfect solution for owners of electric cars.This is a product that allows you to quickly charge your vehicle without the need to use a public charging station. With a power of up to 11 kW, the Wallbox PCE EV11 charger allows you to fully charge the battery in a short time.The five-meter-long cable ensures comfort when using the device, allowing you to freely maneuver the car during the charging process. The TYPE 2 plug is a standard used by most electric car manufacturers.Therefore, it is easy to find the right adapter for your vehicle and take advantage of the possibilities offered by this innovative technology. The Wallbox PCE EV11 charger is made of high-quality materials, which guarantees not only durability and resistance to mechanical or weather damage, but also aesthetics and elegance. design - perfectly fitting into the modern lifestyle of many people. WALLBOX PCE EV11 CHARGER WITH 5 METERS LENGTH AND PLUG TYPE 2 is a product that allows for quick and convenient charging of electric cars.Thanks to high power and a standard TYPE 2 plug, it is an ideal solution for owners of electric vehicles.Made of the highest quality materials, it guarantees not only durability but also aesthetics and elegant design - which makes it fit into any lifestyle!CPE923

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