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Vario krog

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The Vario hook is a mounting element used in photovoltaic systems for mounting PV modules on sloping roofs covered with tiles.Its design allows for adjustment, which allows it to be adapted to different types of roof tiles and different heights of the roof structure.

  1. Adjustable length and height: Allows you to adjust the position of the PV module relative to the roof structure.Adjustment is achieved thanks to multi-level holes and mounting slots.

  2. Solid construction: Made of durable metal, which provides adequate load-bearing capacity and durability, necessary in mounting systems exposed to weather conditions.

  3. Mounting holes: The hook is equipped with numerous holes with a diameter of 6,8 mm and adjustment slots, which allows for precise adjustment and easy installation to various roof structures.

  4. Dimensions: The total length is 209 mm and the height of the adjustable part is from 70 mm to 150 mm.These parameters enable the hook to be used on roofs with different tile profiles.

  5. Angled bend 95°: Allows for firm support on a rafter or support structure, which ensures the stability of the mounting system

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