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Trina - TSM-435NEG9RC.27

Trina Solar
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Trina Solar

Vertex S+ Bifacial Dual Glass Monocrystalline Module

  • Product: TSM-NEG9RC.27

  • Power Range: 415-445W

  • Maximum Power Output: 445W

  • Positive Power Tolerance: 0 ~ +5W

  • Maximum Efficiency: 22.3%


  1. Small in Size, Bigger on Power

    • Up to 445W, 22.3% module efficiency with high-density interconnect technology

    • Reduces installation costs with higher power bin and efficiency

    • Boosts performance in warm weather with low temperature coefficient and operating temperature

  2. Transparent Dual-glass Design

    • Transparent design with aesthetics appearance, 3.2% transparency

    • Upgraded dual glass of Vertex S, less prone to micro-cracks and scratches on the back during installation

    • Excellent fire rating, weather resistance, salt spray, sand dust, ammonia performance which is fully applicable in coastal, high temperature, humidity areas, and harsh environments

  3. Ultra-low Degradation, Longer Warranty, Higher Output

    • First-year degradation 1% and annual degradation at 0.4%

    • Up to 25 years product warranty and 30 years power warranty

  4. Universal Solution for Residential and C&I Rooftops

    • Easy for integration, designed for compatibility with existing mainstream inverters and diverse mounting systems

    • Perfect size and low weight for handling and installation

    • Most valuable solution on low load capacity rooftops (weight similar to backsheet version)

    • Mechanical performance up to 5400 Pa positive load and 4000 Pa negative load

Performance Warranty:

  • Trina Solar’s Vertex Bifacial Dual Glass Performance Warranty

    • 5 years: 99.0% guaranteed power

    • 10 years: ~91% guaranteed power

    • 30 years: 87.4% guaranteed power

These key points highlight the main features and benefits of the Vertex S+ Bifacial Dual Glass Monocrystalline Module.

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