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SPRSUN monoblok varmepumpe 15kW model CGK-040V3L-B 380V 3-faz, Panasonic komponenter

SPRSUN monoblok varmepumpe 15kW model CGK-040V3L-B 380V 3-faz, Panasonic komponenter

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CGK-040V3L-B 380V/3PH
New model for factor R32

MONOBLOCK Heat Pump - Air-water type
Pump functions: hot utility water (DHW), central heating (CH), cooling (air conditioning)
Base warranty 24 months.Expandable to 3 years.The cost for each year of extension is 10% of the pump price, purchased when you purchase the pump.
For this pump, we recommend a buffer tank with a capacity of 60L or larger, e.g.BIAWAR or GALMET.Prices from 650 to 900 PLN gross.
Note: after purchasing and receiving the pump, it is necessary to download the warranty in PDF (the download link is in the e-mail confirming the order, just below the total amount of the order), then print and read, complete and send to us the documents confirming installation and commissioning.The warranty works on this basis!The lack of this document may invalidate warranty and guarantee claims.

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