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KBE Solar DB+ solcellekabel 4mm² sort

Kbe Elektrotechnik
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Kbe Elektrotechnik

The improved and triple-certified solar cable KBE Solar DB+ H1Z2Z2-K 62930 IEC 131 PV 1500-K takes into account the significant increase in the requirements for solar cables in recent years. While maintaining excellent properties, it offers a whole range of additional benefits:

• Triple certification in accordance with the European standard EN 50618 (H1Z2Z2-K), the international solar cable standard IEC 62930 (IEC 131), and TÜV 2Pfg 1169 /10.19 (PV 1500-K)

• Product and production facility inspection by TÜV Rheinland

• Designed and tested for 1500 VDC (max. 1800 VDC)

• Continuous meter marking

• Suitable for underground installation thanks to the use of high-quality insulating materials

• Enhanced water resistance and increased insulation resistance

• High resistance to UV radiation

• High quality – made in Germany – with a lifespan of at least 25 years according to EN 50618 / IEC 62930

• CPR tested according to fire reaction class Dca

• Designed for operation in temperatures ranging from -40°C to 120°C

• Halogen-free and resistant to acids and alkalis

• High flexibility and bendability, compatible with all common plug connectors

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