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HYUNDAI splitvarmepumpe 10kW HHPS-M10TH + HHPMD-M100THI

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HYUNDAI Heat Pump Split HHPS-M10TH + HHPMD-M100THI  

Hyundai Split air-water heat pumps are an energy-saving and effective device that absorbs heat from the surrounding outdoor air for the purposes of central heating and preparation of domestic hot water.Hyundai Split heat pumps allow you to reverse the entire process if you want to cool rooms, air conditioning the room.

Device features:


  • Energy-saving DC Inverter compressors (MISTUBISHI)

  • High efficiency and wide operating range

  • 1-fazowa

  • Water heating even at -25°C

  • Ecological refrigerant R32

  • Easy pump installation and maintenance

  • BMS gateway, Modbus communication

  • WiFi control and remote control

  • Built-in electric heater

  • Standard wired controller

  • Built-in temperature sensor in the controller

  • Selection of operating modes: Heating, Cooling, DHW

  • Functional settings: Auto Mode, Disinfection Mode, Holiday Mode,
    DHW priority mode, ECO Mode, Silent Mode

  • Brushless DC fan motor

  • Quiet operation of the heat pump unit

  • 24-godzinne On/Off programming

  • Weekly timer

  • Basic warranty 3 YEARS, with proper inspections the warranty is extended to 5 YEARS.

The Hyundai hydraulic module creates a common system with the SPLIT heat pump unit.It is equipped with a plate heat exchanger and an optional electric heater.The heat pump module has the ability to connect the hot water installation, floor heating and the use of fan coil units.The ability to change the circuit and introduce cold water for floor heating and fan coil units is an important function to cool rooms.

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