Huawei Inverter, maksimal 3.3KVA AC-output

Huawei Inverter, maksimal 3.3KVA AC-output

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The Huawei SUN-2000-3KTL-L1 inverter converts direct current into alternating current and thanks to the high efficiency, users benefit from increased efficiency. The dimensions of the Huawei SUN-2000-3KTL-L1 inverter are 525 X 470 X 146.5 mm, which means that the component is extremely compact. With a weight of 17 kg, it can also be installed by a single person. This inverter is a single phase inverter  .As working principle, two PV strings connect to the SUN2000, and their maximum power points are tracked by two maximum power point tracking (MPPT) circuits. The SUN2000 converts DC power into three-phase AC power through an inverter circuit. Surge
protection is supported on both the DC and AC sides. the inverter reaches a maximum efficiency of 98.3%, making it suitable for efficient system operation. The European efficiency is 97.3 %.
The Huawei SUN2000 must be installed in a well-ventilated environment to ensure good heat dissipation.
The SUN2000 is protected to IP65 and can be installed indoors or outdoors but the mounting structure where the SUN2000 is installed must be fireproof as the components are extremely
hot during operation.
In residential areas, do not install the SUN2000 on drywalls or walls made of similar materials which have a weak sound insulation performance because the noise generated by the SUN2000 is noticeable

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