Huawei, Backup system tre-faset

Huawei, Backup system tre-faset

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The Backup Box-B1 separates the loads to prioritize the continuity of the most important loads when there is a power outage.
The BACKUP BOX-B1 module is used in residential photovoltaic systems for the automatic control of the transition of the  three-phase HUAWEI inverter from On Grid to Off Grid mode when interruptions in the operation of the electrical network are detected. The Backup Box allows the supply of a group of essential consumers, through photovoltaic panels or HUAWEI LUNA 2000 batteries. After the restoration of the operation of the electrical network, all consumers will be fully supplied. The Huawei Backup Box-B1 is compatible with the following Huawei inverters: SUN2000-3/4/5/6/8/10KTL-M1

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