HAIER varmepumpe 7.8kW Monobloc Super Aqua

HAIER varmepumpe 7.8kW Monobloc Super Aqua

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HAIER Monobloc heat pump Haier Super Aqua 7,8 kW


  • Monobloc heat pump AU082FYCRA(HW)
  • Pilot / controller YR-E27
  • Domestic Hot Water Module Domestic ATW-A01
  • %p19/ %

    Heat pump Monoblock CH + HUW (R32)

    A heat pump is the most efficient and ecological solution for heating buildings and preparing hot utility water.Air heat pumps, regardless of the season, draw solar energy accumulated in the atmospheric air, which is free and available in unlimited quantities.

    Various heat receivers

    SUPER AQUA Monobloc heat pumps can be configured with various heat receivers.They work very well with underfloor heating, which guarantees high efficiency and lower bills.Heat pumps can provide heat through traditional radiators, which is very important when replacing heating in an existing building where a receiver is already used.Another possible heat sink is fan coil units, ideal for heating and cooling a building.The heat pump system allows a wide range of domestic hot water temperatures and a selection or combination of heat consumers.

    Very quiet operation 59 dB(A)

    SUPER AQUA Monoblock heat pumps offer very quiet operation, the compressors in the devices are covered a special noise-insulating material, a quiet DC fan motor and an optimized fan shape that reduces vibrations.

    Reliable operation in all conditions

    A smart sensor prevents the system from freezing in harsh environments.When the ambient temperature drops below 3°C, the heat pump will start automatically to avoid damage to the system.The flow switch monitors and signals when the water flow is minimal, which helps prevent system water from freezing in cooling mode.

    Convenient control

    Clear and intuitive wired controllers supplied with heat pumps enable, among others, selection of operating modes, setting the work schedule and displaying error history.

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