Fartbump 50cm POL3-50GC

Fartbump 50cm POL3-50GC

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Speed ​​bump Threshold length: 50 cm Drive-on length: 33 cm Height: 4 cm material: recycled PVC 100% assembly: 4 holes Set includes: 1 middle element 50 cm black weight: 4 kg   Properties: The threshold is perfect for internal roads, company roads and parking lots.The so-called speed bump ,,lying policjant" It is made of PVC with a special anti-slip texture, is characterized by high mechanical strength and is resistant to changing weather conditions.The lack of metal elements eliminated the risk of corrosion.Easy assembly and disassembly - 4 mounting holes.Thanks to the modular structure, it is possible to adjust the length of the throw threshold to suit your own application.Speed ​​bumps are mounted using wall plugs or anchors directly to the road surface.The price applies to 1 of the internal element 50 cm of the threshold   Direct distributor We are a direct distributor of road and parking accessories.The products are in our warehouse in Poland in large quantities, thanks to which we can offer a competitive price and immediate delivery time.

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