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EV Charger Wallbox Commander 2 22kW (5m kabel, sort/hvid)

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Wallbox Commander 2 is an advanced, intelligent charging system for plug-in vehicles, designed for semi public and business charging locations. It is a new and improved second generation design, incorporating internal DC leakage protection. Which make installation easier and more economical.

The charger connects with the myWallbox management platform, which makes it smart and enables multiple user access with a simple PIN code, RFID card or Wallbox mobile app.

Wallbox Commander 2 provides the easiest and shortest path towards smart electric vehicle charging for your business at the best price.

Combined with myWallbox for businesses, included at no additional cost, this EV charger for businesses reduces the overall investment in installation and power demand thanks to features like: smart load management, lifetime operation support and activating charging as a revenue stream.

Reduced Cost of Ownership - includes advanced business features, which reduce installation and operation costs while at the same time enabling a revenue stream.

Easy to Share - secure shared access with password protection, RFID cards, or the myWallbox app.

Always Connected - out of the box 4G connectivity (varies by country), including a free SIM card and connectivity subscription. Ethernet & Wi-Fi options ensure an online charger and thus a high charge up-time.

Load Balancing with Dynamic Power Sharing - distributing your power among the connected EVs in harmony with your facility consumption is a must. Dynamic Power Sharing allocates the maximum available energy to charge EVs in real time.

myWallbox Charging Software for Businesses - maximize charging time, energy consumption transparency and charging access are the pillars of a successful EV charging for your business.

  • Product type: EV charger
  • Manufacturer: Wallbox
  • Model: CMX2-0-2-4-8-XXX
  • EV charger type: WallBox
  • Charging socket: Type2
  • Charging current (A): 6 - 32
  • Phase number: 3
  • Protection degree: IP54 / IK10
  • Warranty (years): 3
  • Item size LxWxH (mm): 221 x 152 x 115
  • Item weight (kg): 2.4

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