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Bosch MM100-modul til styring af varmekredsen

Bosch MM100-modul til styring af varmekredsen

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The 7738110138 module offers precise control of a single linked heating circuit in combination with a CR100, CR100RF, CW100, CW400 or CW800. controllerDesigned for seamless integration with existing heating systems, this module facilitates the connection of a central heating pump and mixing valve or alternatively a domestic hot water (DHW) tank loading pump and circulation pump.This flexibility gives users the ability to optimise their heating system configuration according to their specific needs.

Equipped with a temperature sensor, the module can operate as a T0 supply sensor in a hydraulic clutch or as a central heating circuit sensor with a TC1. mixerThis feature allows you to accurately monitor and regulate the temperature of your heating system, ensuring efficient operation and comfort.

The module also includes a temperature limiter, providing an additional layer of security by preventing the system from exceeding pre-determined temperature thresholds.The module with product code 4054925276435 is an advanced component designed to increase the functionality and efficiency of heating systems.

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