ATV930U75N4 Schneider Electric - Ny fabrik forseglet

ATV930U75N4 Schneider Electric - Ny fabrik forseglet

Schneider Electric
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Andre sælgere tilbyder dette produkt
2.786,90 kr.
373,54 €
2.846,52 kr.
381,53 €
4.356,36 kr.
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4.410,08 kr.
591,10 €
22.922,84 kr.
3.072,44 €
Schneider Electric
Schneider Electric part number ATV930U75N4. This Altivar Process ATV900 variable speed drive can feed 3-phase synchronous and asynchronous power motors. It is suitable for motors with power rating up to 7.5kW/10hp for applications requiring slight overload (up to 120%). It is suitable for motors with power rating up to 5.5kW/7.5hp for applications requiring significant overload (up to 150%). It works at a rated supply voltage from 380V to 480V AC. This variable speed / frequency drive (VSD / VFD) is specifically designed for industrial processes. In the following market segments, oil and gas, mining, minerals and metals, food and beverage water and wastewater. It offers high motor performance on any motor and total control of any kind of coupling in master/slave applications. Network services help ensure operation continuity even in case of connection breakdown. Web server and data logging help reduce downtime through fast troubleshooting and preventive maintenance. Its advanced connectivity, including EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP, allows deep integration into automation architectures. It is designed to be mounted in vertical position (+/- 10 °) on a wall.

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