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Her finder du al information om køb og salg på den europæiske handelsplatform merXu

What are transaction fees on merXu and who pays them?

If you are the buyer you can use the merXu platform for free. 

If you are the seller there is a one-time transaction fee for each Transaction as follows:

4% for the portion of the total Transaction value up to 6 000 EUR and

0.5% for any portion of the total Transaction value greater than 6.000 EUR

For example: The commission fee for the Transaction with the total value of 9 000 EUR will be calculated as follows: 4% from 6000 EUR + 0,5% from 3000 EUR = 240 EUR + 15 EUR. In total the seller will pay 255 EUR + VAT.

For the avoidance of any doubts the transaction fee is calculated from the total value of the Transaction which consists of the Product purchase price, delivery costs and all other costs, fees and taxes. The transaction fee is calculated in net amount and will be increased by the applicable VAT rate, which is included by the Service Provider and is due for payment according to the issued invoice. 

Subscription fees are no longer charged on the platform. 

More details about the Transaction fees you may find in the Annex 1 to the Terms and conditions - Transactions fees and also HERE.