
Omfattende levering af enheder til vedvarende energisystemer

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Solar Power Savings: Up to 1.260€ Annually Amidst Tax Hikes

Solar Power Savings: Up to 1.260€ Annually Amidst Tax Hikes

The increase in VAT, IEE, and IVPEE has significantly impacted electricity bills for both households and businesses. Households may see a 10% rise in monthly bills, while businesses face higher operational costs. To mitigate these effects, exploring solar energy and other renewable sources is recommended. For instance, a household with a monthly bill of 150€ could reduce it to 45€ with solar panels, saving 1.260€ annually. Companies can also benefit by reducing their carbon footprint and meeting decarbonization goals.

Prosumers to Switch to 15-Minute Billing

Prosumers to Switch to 15-Minute Billing

Currently, energy prices for prosumers under net-billing change hourly, but the goal is to switch to 15-minute intervals. The transition to 15-minute billing is expected to happen soon.

Qualitas Energy Acquires 117 MWp Solar Projects in Poland

Qualitas Energy Acquires 117 MWp Solar Projects in Poland

Qualitas Energy, a global investment platform focused on renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure, has acquired a portfolio of 117 MWp solar energy projects in Poland from IB Vogt.

Mahle to Build Germany's Largest PVT Plant for In-House Use

Mahle to Build Germany's Largest PVT Plant for In-House Use

Mahle is installing a PVT plant that generates solar power and heat simultaneously, bidding farewell to natural gas at its Baden-Württemberg production site. With over 1,000 modules, it would be Germany's largest plant.

Creditors Extend Maturity for Meyer Burger - Buyer Sought

Creditors Extend Maturity for Meyer Burger - Buyer Sought

Creditors of Meyer Burger have extended the repayment deadline for interim financing and initiated a process to involve third parties in the company.

Support for Biogas Cogeneration: A Billion Zloty Initiative

Support for Biogas Cogeneration: A Billion Zloty Initiative

The Fund announced that the support will consist of grants and loans, with a subsidy budget of 400 million PLN. NFOŚiGW expects at least 32 MW of new cogeneration capacity from biogas and at least 14 new installations.

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