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Trina Solar 450 W Stříbrný rám Trina

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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Trina Tallmax photovoltaic panels with power 450 W are modules that are very popular in the industry.They are distinguished by greater resistance to excessive temperature.The use of MultiBusBar technology results in the fact that loads are distributed evenly and prevents stresses, and the module efficiency is higher even in the case of small cracks.

Half-Cut technology reduces internal losses and module operating temperature, which reduces the risk of complete module failure.

Due to their power, Tallmax panels reduce the number of modules used in photovoltaic installations, which contributes to reducing the cost of the mounting structure.

Length wires 1400 mm taken out of the junction box IP68 are terminated with a connector MC4.The module has numerous certificates: IEC 61215, IEC 61730, IEC 61701, IEC 62716, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 14064, ISO 45001.

Distinguishing features of the product:

  • 25-letnia output power warranty

  • 12-letnia warranty on materials and workmanship

  • System cost reduction due to higher power range and system voltage 1500 V

  • High and stable efficiency of the module, up to 20.6%

  • Positive power tolerance up to +5 IN

  • Excellent performance even with low solar irradiance

  • Low power losses and low thermal coefficients for higher energy yield at elevated operating temperatures thanks to Half-Cut technology

  • Resistance to high mechanical loads

  • Snow load up to 5400 Bye and wind to 2400 bye

  • Certified resistance to salt spray, ammonia and blowing sand

Trina 450 Wp is perfect for customers who expect high quality and efficient modules at an affordable price.The product is suitable for both on-grid and off-grid installations.

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