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Trina Solar 415 W Vertex S+ Černý rám Trina

Trina Solar 415 W Vertex S+ Černý rám Trina

Vertex S 210R TSM-DE09R.08 415-435 Watt
  • Výrobce: Trina
  • Maximální výkon (Pmax): 415 W
  • Barva rámu: Černá
  • Účinnost panelu: 20.8 %
  • Series: Vertex S 210R TSM-DE09R.08 415-435 Watt
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5,387 Kč
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Photovoltaic module Trina 415 IN from series Vertex S+ it is built with monocrystalline cells of the size silicon wafer 210 mm in PACO N-type cell technology .Vertex S+ has several innovative design features to achieve high output power.Perfect temperature coefficient and low irradiation efficiency bring more power.In addition, thanks to high-density connections, the efficiency of Vertex modules S+ reaches even 21.9%.

Multi-busbar technology, used in Trina Vertex modules S+, integrates advanced technologies of non-destructive cutting and high-density encapsulation.It is also responsible for increased light absorption and fits perfectly into cells with a large surface area.The integration of technologies allows the Vertex to achieve higher power and power generation efficiency per watt.

N-type cells in the construction, enriched with phosphorus, which translates into a lower rate of degradation by sunlight, low LID, which means greater efficiency for long years of use and more savings.The new technology also means a lower temperature index i lower operating temperature on sunny days .It is thanks to N technology that the manufacturer provides 30-letniej guarantee for the energy produced by Trina Vertex modules S+.

Photovoltaic panels Vertex S+ TSM-NEG09.28 to 120 monocrystalline cells in a thick frame 30 mm, made of anodized aluminum alloy, front and rear covered with high-transparency glass , heat strengthened and thick 1,6 mm each.High reliability is confirmed 25-letnią product performance warranty.

Connecting wires led out of tight junction boxes IP68 are terminated with a connector MC4.

Distinguishing features of the product:

  • 30-letnia output power warranty

  • 25-letnia warranty on materials and workmanship

  • Glass on the front and back of the PV module

  • Lower installation costs due to higher power and efficiency

  • High and stable efficiency up to 21.4% thanks to innovative manufacturing technology

  • Positive power tolerance up to +5 IN

  • Minimized micro-cracks thanks to innovative non-destructive cutting technology

  • Cells with a large surface area based on silicon wafers 210 mm

  • Multi-busbar technology for better light capture effect

  • Excellent performance even with low solar irradiance

  • Mechanical performance up to 5400 Pa for snow load i 4000 Pa for wind load

Trina 415 In Vertex S+ It will be perfect for customers who expect high quality and efficient modules at an affordable price.The product is suitable for both on-grid and off-grid installations.

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