SolaX X3-HYBRID-15.0-D G4.2

SolaX X3-HYBRID-15.0-D G4.2

Solax Power
  • Výrobce: Solax Power
  • Nominální střídavý výkon: 15000 W
  • Počet fází: Tři
  • Počet MPPT: 2
  • Series: X3-HYBRID G4
Porovnejte 7 nabídky
Cena od
42 266,28 Kč
44 731,81 Kč +DPH
1 778,00 €
1 kus
44 731,81 Kč +DPH
1 778,00 €
1 ×
1 778,00 € +DPH
(1 kus)
Nabídka od dodavatele:
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Odesíláno z:
Doručení do:
+26 a více
Platební metody:
Bankovní převod
Solax Power
Kód výrobce
X3-HYBRID-15.0-D G4.2
Počet fází
Jmenovitý střídavý proud
24.1 A
35 kg


SolaX Fourth Generation Inverter

Experience the unrivaled power of our advanced solar hybrid inverter, combining efficiency, safety, and intelligence, with a simplified design for easy one-person installation. Benefit from exceptional features such as up to 200% PV oversizing, high charging and discharging efficiency, and built-in shadow tracking. The inverter guarantees durability and compatibility, even in low-temperature environments, with IP65 protection and support for high-power solar panels. Effortlessly store surplus energy and relish in intelligent load management. Enjoy seamless solar+storage integration with smart EV chargers. Choose from versatile operation modes, including on/off-grid parallel and VPP-readiness, unlocking limitless opportunities in the power market. Unleash the full potential of our local energy solution for a smarter, greener future.


  • 200% PV oversized, up to 110% AC overload output 

  • Higher efficiency on charging and discharging, up to 97.5

  • Shadow tracking function integrated 


  • 16A DC single string input current, supporting high-power solar panels 

  • Up to 150% PV input 

  • Surplus energy storage from PV to battery 

  • Longer working time with low start output voltage 

  • Reduced energy loss from battery to inverter 


  • Up to 150% EPS output for 10s 

  • Switchover time < 10ms 

  • Quick configuration with U-disk 

  • Compatibility with Lithium-ion & Lead-acid batteries 

  • CT compatible, loads respond within 0.3s 

  • On & off-grid parallel function, up to 150kW 

  • 5 work modes, 2 charging periods available 


  • IP65 protection 

  • SPD integrated  

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