merXu Protected Payments
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Solární sada 11kW + 13.6 kWh

Solární sada 11kW + 13.6 kWh

243 890,17 Kč +DPH
9 700,00 €
1 kus
243 890,17 Kč +DPH
9 700,00 €
1 ×
9 700,00 € +DPH
(1 kus)
10 000,00 €
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merXu Protected Payments
merXu Protected Payments
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Bankovní převod
Solar Kit25X Longi LR5-54HTH-440M solar modulesThe Longi LR5-54HTH-440M solar modules are premium panels that offer exceptional efficiency and reliability. With our advanced technology, we ensure a high efficiency of solar energy, which enables optimal operation of the solar system.25X Tigo TS4-A-O MC4 700W Modular OptimizersTigo TS4-A-O MC4 700W module optimizers are an innovative solution for optimizing the performance of solar modules. With their help, you can maximize the utilization of each individual module that contains the entire capacity of the solar system.1X Tigo CCA KitThe Tigo CCA kit includes all the necessary components for easy installation and use of Tigo optimizers. With its robust design and high performance, it ensures stable operation of the system throughout its lifetime.1X BYD Battery-Box Premium HVM-13.8 Battery systemBYD Battery-Box Premium HVM-13.8 is a powerful battery system that enables the use of solar energy even during periods of lower production. Reliability, durability and high performance are the key features of this battery system.1X Goodwe GW10K-ET Plus+ Hybrid InverterThe Goodwe GW10K-ET Plus+ hybrid inverter is the most modern solution for converting solar energy into usable electricity. With its advanced features and high efficiency, it is the ideal choice for integrating solar systems in your home or business space.1X Smart Meter DTSU666-20 CT Current MeterSmart Meter DTSU666-20 CT current meter is an accurate and reliable instrument for measuring the flow of electrical current in a solar system. With its easy installation and intuitive interface, it enables easy monitoring of system performance and optimization of energy consumption.This solar kit combines top-notch components and technologies that enable optimal performance and utilization of solar energy. By using it, you can achieve a reduction in energy costs, independence from traditional energy sources and a positive impact on the environment.Mounting equipment not included!ESTIMATED DELIVERY 4-6 DAYS!

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