Mikroinvertor DEYE SUN500 G3-EU-230 Zigbee

Mikroinvertor DEYE SUN500 G3-EU-230 Zigbee

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DEYE microinverter SUN500 G3-EU-230 Zigbee

The microinverter series is characterized by low starting voltage 20 V and max.DC input voltage 60V.Module-level monitoring provides performance data for each panel and faster operation and maintenance.With built-in WIFI module, easier installation and commissioning for the installer.It also supports different output voltages and frequencies, 127/208/240 V at 60 Hz and 230 V/50 Hz.

Remote shutdown function

Intelligent monitoring platform

With intelligent monitoring platform , Deye full series inverter products support remote shutdown immediately after an accident occurs.Remote setting of parameters and updating of FW, which facilitates the operation and maintenance of the photovoltaic installation.

  • Quick shutdown function
  • Protection level IP67
  • PLC, Zigbee or WIFI communication
  • %p9/ % 2 MPP trackers, module-level monitoring
  • Cooling adhesive filling, good thermal performance
  • Suitable for Europe, North America, South America and other regions %p15 /%

Product: DEYE Microinverter SUN500 G3-EU-230 Zigbee


New product, factory packed.Stock sale.The amount given is gross.

Sale for private purposes - residential up to 300 m2.

https://upload.cdn.baselinker.com/products/4015972/39bd9b0e5da00a6eabf88285d476e945.jpg899.00bez brands

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