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Měřič výkonu Wallbox 65A

Měřič výkonu Wallbox 65A

4 758,97 Kč +DPH
809,71 PLN
1 kus
4 758,97 Kč +DPH
809,71 PLN
1 ×
809,71 PLN +DPH
(1 kus)
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MID-approved power consumption meters are approved to measure the amount of energy consumed during charging.This allows you to charge for charging more accurately, based on actual usage during each session.Energy meters EM340 MID is a three-phase model for 65 AND.It's a rail module 3 DIN, compatible with Pulsar Plus, Commander chargers 2 and Copper SB.

The principle of operation of the electricity meter  EM340 MID 65A

Three-phase electricity meter  EM340 The MID has a backlit LCD display with an integrated touch keypad.It is especially designed to measure active energy and to allocate costs in the do application 65A (direct connection) with the ability to manage two tariffs.The device is able to measure both received and transmitted energy (it can also be programmed to take into account only received energy).The housing is dedicated for mounting on a DIN rail, with the degree of protection of the first degree IP51.The meter is optionally equipped with a pulse output proportional to the measured active energy, port RS485 Modbus or M-bus port.

Features of the energy meter EM340 MID:
  • easy charger power management
  • adapting the power transmitted to the car
  • detection of abnormal current flow
  • accurate measurement in accordance with the MID (Measuring Instrument Directive) standard - MID legalization ensures that the measurements are correct
  • compatibility with Wallbox Pulsar Plus, Commander chargers 2, Copper SB
  • two years warranty

With the Wallbox energy consumption meter 65A the power transferred to the electric car can be adjusted to effectively store energy in the vehicle's battery.This will allow you to minimize your electricity costs.The meter automatically adjusts the power transmitted to the car according to the efficiency of the local power grid.Meter selection EM340 MID means optimal energy consumption, taking into account the needs of your installation and automatic control of electricity consumption.

All Wallbox dynamic power management meters increase the intelligence of your charger, avoiding power outages and costly electricity bills.

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