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Jinko Solar 410W JKM410N-6RL3-V Fotovoltaický panel typu N
Jinko Solar
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Jinko Solar
Kód výrobce
Jinko was founded in 2006 and has since made a huge leap from zero to the largest PV producer in the world, capable of producing panels with a total capacity of 10 GW.Their representative in Europe is Jinko Solar GmbH, based in Germany.It is one of the largest producers of photovoltaic panels in the world.The main advantages of the brand include: Long warranty period - 15-letnia product warranty and 30-letnia linear performance guarantee Tiling Ribbon + Half Cell technology, which minimizes the gaps between cells, increasing the efficiency of the module (in this case up to 21,48%) High mechanical strength confirmed by certificates High efficiency in an environment with low light intensity