Huawei invertor SUN2000 20KTL-M5

Huawei invertor SUN2000 20KTL-M5

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Huawei three-phase on-grid inverter SUN2000-20KTL-M2, Wi-Fi,4G, 20 kW

Huawei SUN2000-20KTL-M2 is a three-phase inverter of the latest generation, used both for residential constructions and is equipped with a special security system that prevents arc failure in case of system damage.Increasing the efficiency of the inverter is possible by using the Huawei optimizer SUN2000-450W-P.

It is provided with two MPPT trackers, its maximum efficiency being 98,65%.These aspects help to connect directly, without the need to purchase separate equipment or make adjustments.Wlan connection is possible by using a Huawei Smart Dongle WLan.It is also compatible with a connection 4G through a Huawei Dongle 4G.

The AI-controlled system with which this inverter is provided guarantees resistance to spring faults, the system automatically stops în 2 seconds in the event of such a failure.The web interface and LED display also make this inverter very easy to use.

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