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Huawei třífázový měřič DTSU666-H 250A

Huawei třífázový měřič DTSU666-H 250A

Kód výrobce
Počet fází
2 767,03 Kč +DPH
546,22 RON
1 kus
2 767,03 Kč +DPH
546,22 RON
1 ×
546,22 RON +DPH
(1 kus)
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Huawei Smart Power Sensor DTSU666-H is a three-phase current sensor for use in solar power systems.The component processes a voltage from 176 to 288 volts and impresses with its very low power consumption of less than one watt.Installation is simple, easy and effortless.Once the sensor is integrated, it displays performance data via the built-in LCD screen and can also be effortlessly operated via it.In addition, the Huawei smart power sensor DTSU666-H supports communication via RS485, so it can be read from another location. It uses the Modbus RTU communication protocol for this purpose.

Another remarkable feature of the current sensor is its enormous accuracy.Voltage measurement accuracy is +/-0,5%, for frequency fluctuation is 0,01Hz, current, power and energy are measured by the sensor with a maximum deviation of +/- -1%.This ensures that the sensor is classified in the accuracy class >1.The other technical data should also be mentioned.The sensor is housed in a housing of 100 x 72 x 65,5 mm and weighs 1,5 kg, calculated including wiring.This makes it possible to accommodate the compact element in a small space.The possible operating temperature is between -25°C and +60°C, the component tolerates a relative humidity of 5% to 95%.Current can be measured up to 250 A.

The delivery includes three foldable current transformers with a cable length of 5 m and a cable RS485 of 10 m length.

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