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FV modul 400 W Full Black TW Solar TW400MAP-108-H-F

FV modul 400 W Full Black TW Solar TW400MAP-108-H-F

TWMAP-108-H-F 400-420 Watt
  • Výrobce: TW Solar
  • Maximální výkon (Pmax): 400 W
  • Barva rámu: Full black
  • Maximální systémové napětí: 1500 V
  • Series: TWMAP-108-H-F 400-420 Watt
Porovnej 4 nabídek
Cena od
2,890 Kč
/ Wp
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TW Solar
Kód výrobce

TW Solar is involvement in research and development of products for obtaining energy from the sun, a modern company with many years of experience, with a high degree of technological advancement in the production of silicon cells, with monitored quality of workmanship, used to build photovoltaic panels sold worldwide.

TW Solar module 400 IN it was designed using technology multi-bus bar, which allowed to obtain an output power higher by more than 5 W and technology half-cut , which reduced the power loss, giving an additional gain on the output between 5 and 10 IN.An additional solution was also used to increase the efficiency of the module, i.e High Density Encapsulation, to get profit 0,15%.Compared to typical PV modules of the same class, TW Solar is second to none.

TW Solar 400 W is built with 108 monocrystalline photovoltaic cells PERC placed in an anodized, lightweight aluminum alloy frame, resistant to corrosion and covered with a glass pane with a thickness 3.2 mm and high light transmittance.The glass is coated with an anti-reflective coating (AR) and is thermally strengthened.It all consists of 15-letnią product warranty and 25-letnią solar energy guarantee.

Length wires 280 mm taken out of the junction box IP68 are terminated with a connector MC4.The module has the following certificates: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001.

Distinguishing features of the product:

  • 25-years output power warranty

  • Application of technology Multi-busbar

  • High and stable efficiency up to 20,5% thanks to modern technology

  • Positive power tolerance up to +5%

  • Excellent performance even with low solar irradiation

  • Half-cut technology to increase the output power

  • Resistant to high mechanical loads

  • Low susceptibility to PID thanks to quality control

  • The unique structure of the cells means lower temperature of the PV module and higher efficiency

  • Snow load up to 5400 Bye and wind to 2400 bye

  • No mechanical damage during cell production - lossless laser cutting

  • Weight [kg]20.5

  • Dimensions [mm]1134 x 1722 x 30

  • Linear output power warranty 25 years

  • Product Warranty 15 years

  • Number of modules per pallet 36

TW Solar 400 IN It will be perfect for customers who expect high quality and efficient modules at an affordable price.The product is suitable for both on-grid and off-grid installations.

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